It’s pretty common to be less active the older we get, but if we want to remain as healthy as possible, we must incorporate as much physical activity into our daily lives as we can! Thankfully there...
Healthy Tips
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Do you sit at a desk most of the day? Here’s how to stay active during the 9-5!
If we were the betting type, we’d guess most of the people reading this are sitting down right now. It’s not a wild stretch of the imagination—most Americans spend around 12 hours per day sitting....
5 Quick Tips for Less Pain and More Energy
Millions of individuals live with varying degrees of pain while also experiencing limited amounts of energy. There are several quick and effective ways you can increase your energy levels while...
How to be Healthier, Stronger, and More Active
If you are suffering from chronic pain, you know that being healthier, stronger and more active often seems unattainable. Fortunately, the key to a more active lifestyle is simpler than you think....
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